The 1954 Ilyenkov-Korovikov Theses: Philosophy as a Materialist Dialectical Science of Theoretical Thinking

20.06.2019 - 20.06.2019
Místo konání:
Akademické konferenční centru (Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1)

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Azeri Ilyenkov Korovikov Theses 20062019

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Oddělení pro studium moderní české filosofie

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The 1954 Ilyenkov-Korovikov Theses: Philosophy as a Materialist Dialectical Science of Theoretical Thinking

kterou přednese

Siyaves Azeri

(University of Lorraine)

In this presentation, it will be argued that the Ilyenkov-Korovikov "Theses on Philosophy" that have been formulated in 1954 include the kernel of the main concepts and themes that Ilyenkov would develop in the next 25 years of his philosophical carrier and his conceptualization of philosophy as an independent, genuine science of theoretical thought and a materialist dialectical critique of epistemology. To this end, the theses will be contextualized within the framework of Ilyenkov's major writings.
