Ivan Landa
He specializes in the history of Eastern European and Soviet Marxism, the philosophy of German idealism and of Hegelianism. From a systematic point of view, he focuses on the following topics: dialectics, technology, emancipation, philosophy of praxis, ideology and propaganda. Together with Joe Grim Feinberg and Jan Mervart he edited a book Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete (Brill, 2022), as an editor he prepared for publication several translations (in Czech): History and Class Consciousness by György Lukács (FILOSOFIA, 2020) and Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse (FILOSOFIA, 2025). He is the main editor and publisher of The Collected Writings of Karel Kosík (with Jan Mervart).
Work position: research fellow
Areas of Specialization
Eastern European and Soviet Marxism
German idealism
Grants, Fellowships, Awards
2019-2021 Standard Research Project „Individualism in Czechoslovak Philosophy 1918-1948“ (GA ČR 19-13180S) [co-PI]
2016 Fellow, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Universität Jena, Germany (12 months)
2009 Paul Celan Fellowship, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, Austria (6 months)
2007–2008 Jan Hus Foundation Award
2016–2018 Standard Research Project „Karel Kosík and the Fate of Phenomenological Marxism“ (GA ČR 16-26686S) [PI]
2009–2011 Junior Research Project „Hegel's Philosophy of Religion“ (GA AV KJB900090902) [PI]
Office: 111a
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