Jiří Růžička
His research focuses on the history of critical thought in Central and Eastern Europe and the epistemology of the humanities. Together with Jan Mervart, he has written a book on the intellectual history of Czechoslovak post-Stalinist Marxism (Prague 2020). He also edited Karel Korsch’s Marxism and Philosophy (Prague 2019). He is the executive editor of the journal Kontradikce/Contradictions.
Work position: research fellow
Research Fields of Interest
Stalinist and post-Stalinist Marxism
Epistemology of Humanities
Research grants, research stays, and awards
2023–2025, Czech Science Foundation project “A Genealogy of Czechoslovak Stalinism 1929–1953: Conceptualizations, Representations, Communications“ (member of the team)
Mobility Enhancement in Philosophical Studies II: Institut für Philosophie, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg; 1.9.–7.12.2022
Development of Capacities for Research and Development II: Faculty of Arts, University of Wolverhampton; 13.–22.6.2022
2019–2021, Czech Science Foundation project “Individualism in Czechoslova Philosophy 1918-1948 (member of the team)
2016–2019, Czech Science Foundation project “Envisioning Post-Stalinist Czechoslovakia: Varieties of State Socialist Modernity” (member of the team)
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