Miloslav Bednář
Miloslav Bednář focuses on the Czech philosophy, philosophy of history, philosophy of politics, philosophy of geopolitice, and the phenomenological ontology. His latest monograph Movement and Order (Praha 2018) is an attempt at an original philosophical outline of an independent, and distinctive concept of phenomenological ontology. In 2018 he also published an originap monograph Meaning of the Czech Existence – The Ideaof the Czech State and Masaryk´s the Czech Question. In 2023 he published in Brill (Leiden/Boston) in the volume Recalling Masaryk´s The Czech Question Humanity and Politics on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century the study Masaryk´s Czech Question and the Idea of the Czech State.. In 2024 Bednář published in the volume Humanism in the Czech Philosophical and Political Thinking the study Why is the Humanity of the Czech Philosophy not Humanism.
Work position: emeritus fellow
Research Fields of Interest:
Philosophy of František Palacký, Thomas G. Masaryk and Jan Patočka
Philosophy of Politics, Phenomenological ontology
Research grants, research stays, and awards
• 2023 Project of the Research Programm Strategy AV 21 – Anatomy of the European Society. The Slav Mutuality in the History of Central Europe as Defensive Tactics with Ambivalent Political and Constitutional Law Results. Investigator.
• 2022–2023 Project of the Research Programm Strategy AV 21 – Anatomy of the European Society.
Philosophical and Historical Meaning of Geopolitics of the 20th and the 21st centuries. Investigator.
Office: 303a
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