Lara Bonneau
Lara Bonneau focuses on aesthetics and German philosophy of art and culture, especially the “Kunstwissenschaft” movement and its Czech and Austrian branches. She has published a monograph (Presses du réel) dedicated to the father of iconology, Aby Warburg (Lire l'œuvre d'Aby Warburg à la lumière de ses Fragments sur l'expression, Dijon, 2022), and has worked on the foundation of the so-called "allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft" through the work of Emil Utitz (1883-1956), a Prague-based German-Jewish scholar.
She is particularly interested in the various thematisations of symbolic forms (Cassirer, Warburg) and the questions concerning aesthetic education but also in the morphological tradition and its influence on philosophical anthropology at the turn of the 19th century.
Work position: Deputy head of the department, research fellow
Research Fields of Interest
German Aesthetics 1880–1930, Kunstwissenschaft, Theory of Form and Information, Theory of Individuation, Philosophy of Culture, Philosophical Anthropology
Research grants, research stays, and awards
2022– Associate researcher at CEFRES
2019–2022: Post-doc PPLZ at the Philosophy Institute of the Czech Academy of science : "Emil Utitz and the Science of Art"
2013–2018: research stays at the Archive of the Warburg Institute, London
2015–2017: research fellow at CEFRES (Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales), Prague
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