Monika Woźniak
Monika Woźniak focuses on intellectual history and the history of philosophy in state socialist countries, about which she has published several studies in peer-reviewed journals, e.g., Studies in Eastern European Thought. She is a member of the editorial board of Contradictions and co-editor (with Dan Swain) of the 2022 issue Ecosocialism in the Post-Communist Landscape.
Work position: post-doc researcher
Research Fields of Interest
intellectual history of state socialism
Polish and Soviet Marxism;
reception of Hegel and Marx in Central and Eastern Europe
Research grants, research stays, and awards
2023-2026 researcher on the project “Philosophy in Late Socialist Europe: Theoretical Practices in the Face of Polycrisis” at the Babeș-Bolyai University (funded by European Union—NextgenerationEU and Romanian Government)
2021-2024 principal investigator of GA ČR project “Unorthodox Orthodoxes: a Forgotten Quest for 'Real' Marxist Science in Eastern Europe”
2018-2019 principal investigator of Polish Science Centre project “Myśl Nikołaja Bierdiajewa po 1927 roku wobec filozofii G. W. F. Hegla [Nikolai Berdyaev’s thought after 1927 in relation to Hegelian philosophy]”
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