Jan Mervart
Jan Mervart focuses on modern Czech and Slovak intellectual and cultural history. His latest book, written together with Jiří Růžička, is devoted to the intellectual history of Czechoslovak post-Stalinist Marxism ("Rehabilitate Marx!" The Czechoslovak party intelligentsia and thinking post-Stalinist modernity", Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburg Press, forthcoming). Together with Adam Hudek and Michal Kopeček he coedited Czechoslovakism (London: Routledge, 2021) and together with Joseph Grim Feinberg and Ivan Landa he coedited Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete (Leiden: Brill, 2021).
Work position: head of the department, research fellow
Research Fields of Interest
Stalinist and post-Stalinist Marxism
state socialism
Research grants, research stays, and awards
2023–2025, PI of the Czech Science Foundation project "A Genealogy of Czechoslovak Stalinism 1929–1953: Conceptualizations, Representations, Communications"
2019–2020, research fellow, Imre Kertśz Kolleg, Jena
2018–2021, PI of the INTERCOST project "Media and Cultural Opposition in Czechoslovakia" (together with Jan Matonoha – Institute of Czech Literature CAS – and Michal Kopeček – Institute of Contemporary History CAS),
2016–2019, PI of the Czech Science Foundation project "Envisioning Post-Stalinist Czechoslovakia: Varieties of State Socialist Modernity"
2017–2022, represented Czechia within COST Action NEP4DISSENT (https://nep4dissent.eu/), New Explanatory Phase on research on East European Cultures of Dissent
together with Zsófia Lóránd head of WG2 Culture in the Grey Zone
2017–2022 member of the project's core group
2017–2019 vice-chair of the Action
Office: 201a
Tel.: +420 221 183 260
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