Joseph Grim Feinberg
Joseph Grim Feinberg's work explores the changing conceptions of political collectivity – from "the people" to "the proletariat" to "civil society," through nationalism and internationalism – in East-Central European history. He is a co-editor of the journal Contradictions and a co-founder of the new research platform Former East. His publications include The Paradox of Authenticity: Folklore Performance in Post-Communist Slovakia (U. of Wisconsin, 2018); the volume Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete (co-edited with Ivan Landa and Jan Mervart, Brill, 2022); and the commented English translation of Karel Teige's Marketplace of Art (translated by Greg Evans, co-edited with Sezgin Boynik, Rab-Rab and Contradictions, 2022).
Work position: research fellow
Fields of interest
conceptions of the people in politics and aesthetics
theories of internationalism in East-Central Europe
Research grants, academic stays, awards
2024–2026, Mobility project "Ideas of Emancipation in the Borderlands of East-Central Europe", collaboration between the Institute of Philosophy CAS and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (project leader)
Jan. – June 2025, Central European University Institute for Advanced Study Core Fellowship
2018 – 2021, INTERCOST project "Media of Cultural Opposition in Czechoslovakia" (research team member)
2019, award given by the Institute of Philosophy CAS
2017 – 2019, Czech Science Foundation project "Unity and Multiplicity in Contemporary Thought" (research team member)
2013 – 2017, Slovak Research and Development Agency project "Democracy and Citizens in Slovakia: A Half–Century of Change" (research team member)
Office: 102a
Tel.: +420 221 183 259
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