Ondřej Ševeček
Focused on modern economic and social history, the history of economic and social thought, urban history, and business history. Currently, his research primarily examines the history of economic transformation in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as the process of deindustrialization, using the Zlín region as a case study. Together with Vítězslav Sommer and David Valůšek, he prepared a comprehensive volume mapping the history of the city of Zlín in the 20th century (Zlín 2023). With Martin Jemelka, he published an extensive book, Company Towns of the Baťa Concern (Prague 2016), along with an international edited volume of the same title Company Towns of the Bata Concern (Stuttgart 2013), which explore not only the economic and social history of Baťa towns but also their architecture and urban planning.
Work position: Researcher, Deputy Director
Research Specialization
Economic transformation, deindustrialization
Modern urban history, history of urban planning
Fordism, history of entrepreneurship, multinational corporations
Book chapters
Popularization works
Grants, Research Stays, and Awards
• 2024–2026: Standard project of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Deindustrialization and the New Economic Order: Regional Economy and the Zlín Footwear Industry Between Central Planning and Market Economy (team member)
• 2024: Commemorative Medal, Faculty of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen
• 2021–2023: Standard project of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), The Cobblers' War: Footwear and the Footwear Industry in Cisleithania During the First World War (team member)
• 5/2023: Research stay, Faculty of Humanities, University of Turin
• 3/2023: Research stay, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Erkner
• 2013–2023: Director, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
• 2013: Otto Wichterle Prize, Czech Academy of Sciences
• 2010–2015: Standard project of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Company Towns of the Baťa Concern (principal investigator)
Office: 103a
Tel.: +420 221 183 313
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