Jan Svoboda
Jan Svoboda focuses on philosophical and social scientific thinking in the Czech lands between 1800 and 1948. In addition to the positive philosophy of Tomáš G. Masaryk, Czech positivism (Josef Tvrdý) and structuralism (Josef L. Fischer), he is concerned with the philosophical application of modern scientific theories and the context of social, cultural and political issues in a global context. Jan Svoboda is the author of the monograph on "Masaryk's Realism and the Philosophy of Positivism" (Filosofia 2017) and co-author of the book dealing with "African Philosophy of Society and its Developmental Perspective" (Filosofia 2022). Together with Xavier Galmiche and Josef Zumr, he has prepared for publication the book "Herbart's Heirs" (Filosofia 2024). He is also co-editor and co-author of the book Recalling Masaryk's The Czech Question. Humanity and Politics on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century (Brill 2023).
Work position: research fellow
Research Fields of Interest
modern Czech philosophy 1800–1948
critical rationality and ethics in North Africa (with emphasis on Ethiopia)
Research grants, research stays, and awards
• 2022, projekt Title: Comparing Czech and African science: the illusion of rationality. [Program: Strategy AV 21. Global conflicts and local interactions. Curtural and social challenges]. Position: Principal Investigator and coordinator.
• 2022, research stay in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
• 2021, projekt Title: Dialogue between Czech and African science: intercultural interactions. [Program: Strategy AV 21. Global conflicts and local interactions. Curtural and social challenges]. Position: Principal Investigator and coordinator.
• 2020, project Title: Intercultural dialogue between Czech and African culture. [Program: Strategy AV 21. Global conflicts and local interactions. Curtural and social challenges]. Position: Principal Investigator and coordinator.
• 2020, research stay in Ethiopia
Office: 201a
Tel.: +420 221 183 243
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